Our kids are growing up in a society run by electronic media. Kids as young as eight are spending an average of six-plus hours per day on media use - TV, smartphones, tablets, etc. - more than ANY other activity. It's no surprise that this level of electronic media has a profound effect on our kids, but can it impact our relationship with them?
5 Steps for Helping Kids Cope With Stress
Adolescence is incredibly stressful. Bodies are changing and hormone levels are skyrocketing. These internal changes, coupled with the tremendous external pressure that our culture produces, place an inordinate amount of stress on kids. Unfortunately this sometimes results in kids gravitating to dangerous behaviors, such as smoking, as a way to cope with stress levels. As parents, we may often feel like screaming when we get the dismissive roll of the eyes or condescending sneer, but this is a time when our kids need us. Here are a few ideas on what we can do to help ease our kids through this transitional period.
5 Secrets for Teaching Your Teen Respect
Top 5 Ideas to Stay Active With Kids
Leading a healthy, active lifestyle means your child will be less inclined to try cigarettes and/or become a smoker. It's harder (but not impossible) to pull couch-potato teens off the couch. It's much easier if you set your family and your kids up early with an engaged, active lifestyle. Here's how it's done.